Copywriting: What is Killer Copy?


Gif of magic trick

A Superpower?

Gif of kitten falling over

Not really…but when done right…it feels like it.

What’s the secret?


Know thy customer.

We’re all just people and we know what we want. But do we know how to communicate that? I may say I am looking for a large vehicle with third row seating and a large trunk area, but what I really want is a car big enough to haul my four dogs, two kids, their friends and be able to do it all comfortably. Understanding your customers deepest desires/needs/fears and having insight into what they really want is where the communication begins. My job is to figure out the why and speak to that.

Be honest.

People want to know the truth and they want it in easy to understand terms. They aren’t looking for overcomplicated, fancy words that they have to plod through to get to the point. Keeping it simple and straightforward with tight copy that is interesting is what will take your prospect from browser to customer.

Keep ‘em reading.

A strong headline, an intriguing overview and a promise of something good (and being able to deliver) is the perfect recipe for engaging your prospect.

The person who can capture and hold attention is the person who can effectively influence human behavior.
— Roy Hollister Williams